Privacy Policy



1.     Scope and application

This Policy provides for what type of personal information Island Irrigation Pty Ltd (ABN: 65 645 709 842) (“Island Irrigation“) collects, and how Island Irrigation collects, uses and shares your personal information. 


2.     Collection of personal information

Island Irrigation may collect and securely store the following personal information directly from you:

  • your name, address (residential and commercial), email address, telephone number, or other contact information, and name of and any contact information for your nominated agent/s;
  • your nominated bank account details;
  • your Australian Business Number;
  • information about contracts you enter into with Island Irrigation;
  • information about aspects of how your business operates;
  • queries and messages from you to Island Irrigation whether that be via social media, e-mail, telephone or any other means; and
  • your Island Irrigation account user name and password.

Island Irrigation may also receive the following categories of information from other sources:

  • information you provide to any third-party customer relationship management program Island Irrigation uses; and
  • information you provide to Island Irrigation’s supplier, Valmont Irrigation Australia Pty Ltd (“Valley Irrigation”), and/or any of its associated entities, which it then provides to Island Irrigation.

This is not an exhaustive list.  If Island Irrigation collects personal information in addition to the above, Island Irrigation will seek your consent to do so, and will also seek your consent if Island Irrigation wishes to use or disclose this personal information to third parties, unless they are required by law to disclose it.

If Island Irrigation is not able to collect all personal information it requires from you, it may affect the functionality of the services Island Irrigation provides, resulting in you being unable to engage with Island Irrigation.


3.     Use of personal information

Island Irrigation uses your personal information in connection with the services Island Irrigation provides. For example, Island Irrigation uses your personal information to:

  • provide information to you as a prospective customer, such as product details and quotes;
  • provide and manage the delivery of Island Irrigation products and services, including processing orders and delivering products;
  • provide and manage the delivery of products from third parties, such as Valley Irrigation, including processing orders and delivering products;
  • provide support in relation to products purchased by you and servicing of products purchased by you, including assistance in relation to any applicable warranty obligations for products purchased by you;
  • administer and manage Island Irrigation products and services, including charging, billing, credit card authorisation and verification, checks for financial standing, credit-worthiness, fraud and collecting debts; and
  • provide customer service functions, such as handling customer enquiries

Island Irrigation will also maintain your personal data as part of your records directly related to each contract you enter with Island Irrigation in relation to any purchase or serving of products you purchase from Island Irrigation.


Island Irrigation may also use your personal information to identify and contact you regarding marketing and promotional activities. If you do not wish for Island Irrigation to use your personal information for this purpose, you may decline to receive such information by writing to us at, or if the direct marketing is by e-mail, you may also use the unsubscribe function in the email message.  Alternatively, you may delete your personal information as explained below at clause 7.


4.     Sharing of your personal information

Island Irrigation may share your personal information:

  • with Island Irrigation cloud-based systems such as Xero and AroFlo to manage services and/or products it provides to you;
  • with Valley Irrigation for the purpose of arranging warranties for any products you purchase through Island Irrigation and to enable you to set up a personalised Valley Irrigation products login account. A copy of Valley Irrigation’s privacy policy can be found at
  • with website developers, vendors, consultants, and other service providers who need access to such information to carry out work relating to the Island Irrigation website and computer systems on Island Irrigation’s behalf;
  • with any Island Irrigation subsidiaries and affiliates, but only in connection with enabling you to engage in the services Island Irrigation provides;
  • in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of Island Irrigation assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of Island Irrigation by or into another company;
  • with law enforcement officials, government authorities, or other third parties if Island Irrigation believes it is required by applicable law, regulation, operating agreement, legal process such as subpoenas or court orders, or governmental request, if Island Irrigation believes your actions are inconsistent with Island Irrigation’s policies, or if Island Irrigation believes such sharing is necessary to protect the rights, property, or safety of Island Irrigation or others; and/or
  • in an aggregated and/or anonymised form which cannot reasonably be used to identify you.

Island Irrigation may share your personal information to overseas participants being:

  • Valmont Industries Inc, located in the United States of America, for the purpose of arranging warranties for certain products you purchase through Island Irrigation, and to receive technical support as required in relation to certain products you purchase through Island Irrigation. Valmont Industries Inc privacy policy can be found at –; and
  • to a third-party plugin, Jetpack by WordPress, located in the United States of America, who enable customer name, phone numbers and emails to be collected via a contact form on the Island Irrigation website.

If it is necessary for Island Irrigation to share your personal information, Island Irrigation will require that the recipient of your personal information ensures that they only use your personal information in accordance with the purpose it was shared for and to maintain protection of your personal information.


5.     Cookies and third party technologies

Island Irrigation may allow others to provide online audience measurement and analytics services for Island Irrigation, to serve advertisements on Island Irrigation’s behalf across the Internet, and to track and report on the performance of those advertisements. These entities may use cookies, web beacons, SDKs, and other technologies to identify your device when you visit Island Irrigation’s website from a computer, mobile phone, tablet and/or any other device. Information collected may include IP address, geolocation, date, time, length, and pattern of use, operating system, model, and type of browser being used and device settings.  Any personal information collected or stored for the purposes of this clause, will be collected and stored in accordance with this Policy. 


6.     Personal information retention and deletion

Island Irrigation retains your personal information for as long as you are involved with, or under engagement with Island Irrigation. Thereafter, Island Irrigation retains your personal information in accordance with the laws in the countries where you live. These laws may require Island Irrigation to retain your information for periods defined in such laws, or to delete it after periods defined in those laws. Unless otherwise required by such laws, Island Irrigation will retain personal information relating to:

  • contact form entries, e-mails and phone enquiries for 12 months;
  • analytics records for 24 months; and
  • customer quotes, and service and purchase records for 10 years.

All other personal information will be destroyed by Island Irrigation within 24 months after you cease to engage with Island Irrigation and will thereafter delete your personal information.  In some cases, Island Irrigation may ask for your consent to retain your personal information for longer than the period otherwise permitted under applicable laws.


You may also request deletion of your personal information at any time. Unless otherwise required by law, or where Island Irrigation may have a legitimate interest that justifies continued retention, Island Irrigation will delete your personal information after receiving such request.


7.     Security

Island Irrigation takes all reasonable steps to ensure that it protects your personal information, in accordance with this Policy, to protect the information from misuse, interference and loss, as well as unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.


8.     Your rights

You have the following rights with respect to Island Irrigation’s handling of your personal information:

  • access your personal data;
  • correct any errors regarding your personal information;
  • erase or delete your personal information under the terms above;
  • object to or restrict certain processing of your personal information;
  • receive your personal information in a usable electronic format and transmit it (data portability); and
  • withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal information.

To exercise these rights, please see below. Please note exercise of your rights to object to or restrict processing of your personal information, or to withdraw consent relating to the processing of your personal information, may impact Island Irrigation’s ability to engage with you as a customer.


If you have concerns about the privacy of your personal information, or wish to exercise your rights in regards to this clause 8, you may contact Island Irrigation in writing by e-mailing  Upon receiving notice of your concern, Island Irrigation will investigate and/or consider the concern and respond to you within 30 days by return e-mail.  If Island Irrigation does not satisfactorily respond to your concern, you may then have the right to forward your concern onto the appropriate government body.


9.     Updates to this Policy

This Policy may be amended from time to time.  Any changes to this Policy go into effect upon the effective date of the revised Policy.